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Google accused of plotting to stop Donald Trump re-election in 2020
‘HOW DO WE PREVENT IT?’ Google accused of plotting to stop Donald Trump re-election in 2020 after top exec was secretly recorded discussing plans

Yang mo nonton monggo,Video nyeee udeh didelete beberapa kali waaa!!!!

A SENIOR Google exec has been secretly recorded appearing to suggest the search giant will try and stop Donald Trump being re-elected.

Released by conservative group Project Veritas, the clip shows the firm’s Head of Responsible Innovation Jen Gennai saying the company will try and prevent “the next Trump situation.”

Released by conservative group Project Veritas, the clip shows the firm’s Head of Responsible Innovation Jen Gennai saying the company will try and prevent “the next Trump situation.”

Google exec Jen Gennai is filmed talking about 'preventing the next Trump situation'

In response to the video, Ms Gennai has insisted she was referring to “online foreign interference” playing a role in future elections.

During the 2016 race, it is claimed that Russian-backed trolls spread anti-Hillary Clinton fake news on social media in a bid to disrupt the vote.

Writing for Medium, Ms Gennai says she was duped into having dinner with members of Project Veritas who claimed to be representing a program for “young women of colour in tech.”


In the video, she can be heard saying: “We all got screwed over in 2016, again it wasn’t just us, it was, the people got screwed over, the news media got screwed over, like, everybody got screwed over so we’ve rapidly been like, what happened there and how do we prevent it from happening again.”

She also said: “We're also training our algorithms, like, if 2016 happened again, would we have, would the outcome be different?”

Ms Gennai also defends the size of Google claiming the tech giant has the “resources” to stop future election interference while name-checking Democratic senator Elizabeth Warren.


She said: “Elizabeth Warren is saying we should break up Google.

“And like, I love her but she's very misguided, like that will not make it better it will make it worse, because all these smaller companies who don't have the same resources that we do will be charged with preventing the next Trump situation, it's like a small company cannot do that.”

In her response, the Google executive called the claims that the company is trying to alter the 2020 election as “absolute, unadulterated nonsense”.

Ms Gennai has hit back insisting she was discussing preventing foreign meddling in future US elections

The footage was secretly filmed by conservative organisation Project Veritas

She wrote: “Project Veritas has edited the video to make it seem that I am a powerful executive who was confirming that Google is working to alter the 2020 election.

"On both counts, this is absolute, unadulterated nonsense, of course.

“In a casual restaurant setting, I was explaining how Google’s Trust and Safety team (a team I used to work on) is working to help prevent the types of online foreign interference that happened in 2016.

“Google has been very public about the work that our teams have done since 2016 on this, so it’s hardly a revelation.”

Project Veritas also reports that a Google insider told them the firm uses Machine Learning Fairness to address “algorithmic unfairness” which influences how political stories are aggregated.

Documents leaked by the supposed source claims to show a liberal bias within how politics stories are treated by the search company.

The alleged company docs state that even when results are factually accurate “it may be desirable to consider how we might help society reach a more fair and equitable state, via either product intervention or broader corporate social responsibility efforts.

Project Veritas is run by conservative activist James O’Keefe and has been criticised in the past for selectively editing videosand using clips containing statements which have been wrenched from context.

The Sun Online has approached Google for comment.

Jen Gennai has denied claims the search giant has a liberal bias

haiyaaa ciilaaka luuwa weelas waaa

Pantes yeee Opa Trump sering bilang Fake News haaa!!??

Kek nyee Opa Trump bikin banyak oowlang kejet2 waaa!!?? emoticon-Ngakak (S)

Ampee Video nyeee udeh didelete beberapa kali dr Youtube waaa!!!!

M.A.G.A. 2020!!??
anasabila dan 2 lainnya memberi reputasi
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